Rolling Reads: Homebound Delivery Service

The Basics

  • Middlesex Borough residents only
  • Delivery/pickup of Library materials every 2nd and 4th Tuesday and Wednesday of the month
  • Deliveries and pickups during the hours of 3pm-5pm
  • Can deliver: Library card applications, books (all types), and audiobooks
  • NO overdue fines for Rolling Reads patrons
  • “Homebound” is defined as being generally confined to one’s residence either temporarily due to illness or accident, or permanently due to disability, age, or other mobility issues. In most cases, if a patron drives, he/she would not be considered homebound.

How To Register
Patrons can apply for Rolling Reads Homebound Services by calling (732) 356-6602 ext. 3 for the Reference Desk, or emailing

The Librarian will take your information down and familiarize you with the procedures.  You may request specific titles or authors, or ask for our Librarian to choose materials for you based on your interests.

Loan Procedures

Materials may include regular-print books, large-print books, and audiobooks. Library overdue fines will not be applied to a homebound patron’s account, but users are responsible for the cost of lost or damaged library material. Your Rolling Reads Delivery Librarian will be the point of contact for all services. Please return all materials through the Rolling Reads Delivery Librarian.

The loan period for your materials will be approximately a month, or based on patron needs. Deliveries and pickups will be made every 2nd and 4th Tuesday and Wednesday. At the time that new materials are delivered, the items from the previous delivery can be given to the Delivery Librarian to be returned to the library.