News & Announcements
Black History Month
Middlesex Public Library is committed to providing a safe, inclusive environment.Continue Reading
Library Services
Our building may be closed, but our services are open. Links to digital, live and virtual services.Continue Reading
National Family Literacy Month
November is National Family Literacy Month. Continue Reading
Top Ten Most Challenged Books of 2020
The American Library Association in connection with the American Booksellers designates a week each fall to discuss the issue of banned books and censorship.Continue Reading
Award Winning Fiction
Every year, certain organizations pick books that they feel meet or exceed certain standards and expectations in the literary world.Continue Reading
LGBTQ+ Voices
LGBTQIA+ Books for Adults On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. The letter unearths a family’s history that began in Vietnam — and serves as a doorway into parts of his life his mother has never known, all of itContinue Reading
Asian American and Pacific Island Heritage Month
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, to celebrate we are highlighting some books by AAPI authors in our collection.Continue Reading
We’re BACK!
WE’RE BACK! Keep your eyes on our website for information about reopening protocols, news, and more! We are SO EXCITED to see you all!Continue Reading
Women’s History Month
Women’s History Month was started by the Education Task Force in Sonoma, California to honor and celebrate women’s contributions to history.Continue Reading
Free Webinars for 21st Century Job Skills
Middlesex Public Library is excited to partner with Libraries to Business (L2B) and Knowledge City to bring our patrons access to free training for skills to prepare them for the 21st century workforceContinue Reading